Todas las entradas de: Francisco Martin

Foto Finca Amoraleza

Festival Vegano 2015

28 de agosto al 4 de septiembre,

¡…Únete a la fiesta de la vida en plena naturaleza

…y disfruta la buena comida!

Finca Amoraleza, Lanjaron (Granada)


Pago Festival Vegano 2015

El pago del Festival Vegano 2015 se hace mediante transferencia a la cuenta de la Asociación Vegana Española en IberCaja, indicando el número de IBAN y el código BIC/SWIFT de identificación para transferencias internacionales:

IBAN: ES35 2085 8319 5903 3005 8029

O efectuar el pago con una tarjeta  o cuenta a través de PayPal:

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Foto Finca Amoraleza

Festival Vegano 2015

28 de agosto al 4 de septiembre,
¡…Únete a la fiesta de la vida en plena naturaleza
…y disfruta la buena comida!
Finca Amoraleza, Lanjaron (Granada)


El Festival Vegano 2015, tendrá lugar en la finca vegetariana Amoraleza, situada en Lanjarón, provincia de Granada, entre el 28 de agosto y el 4 de septiembre de 2015 (junto con Crutopia entre el 28 y el 30 de agosto), situada en un magnífico paraje natural en las laderas del Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada, a poca distancia de Lanjarón y Órgiva, puerta de entrada a los pueblos de las Alpujarras que, el exbateria de Génesis, Chris Stewart describió en su libro ¨Conducir sobre Limones¨, un gran éxito de ventas.

Lugar del encuentro, alojamiento, comidas, excursiones, transporte, programa y precios:

Las dos principales opciones de alojamiento para los participantes internacionales son el Hotel Alcadima ( en Lanjarón (granada), situado a tres kilometros de la finca Amoraleza, y la casa Cortijo Laguna Chico ( en Torre del Mar (Málaga), que está a una hora en coche.

La reserva y la llegada al hotel para el festival es a partir de las 12 del mediodía del 28 de agosto, y la salida el 4 de septiembre de 2015 a la misma hora.

El 28 de agosto, o el día de llegada al aeropuerto o la estación de autobuses de Málaga, los participantes contarán con un servicio de transporte hasta el Hotel Alcadima, así como desde el hotel al lugar del encuentro.

Hay dos opciones de alojamiento para el Festival Vegano: Indique la Opción 1, si prefiere pasar la semana en el Hotel Alcadima, desde el 28 de agosto al 4 de septiembre (7 noches), y la Opción 2, para combinar tres noches de alojamiento en el Hotel Alcadima (28 al 31 de agosto), y cuatro noches en la casa de Torre del Mar, Cortijo Laguna Chico, del 31 de agosto al 4 de septiembre.

Todas las comidas: desayuno, almuerzo y cena, se servirán en la finca Amoraleza, y desde el 1 al 4 de septiembre, también se podrá desayunar en la casa Cortijo Laguna Chico.


El miércoles 2 de septiembre, hay prevista una excursión a Granada, para visitar la Alhambra y el Generalife, así como otras visitas a pueblos cercanos de las Alpujarras. Después del festival, también hay previsto un viaje opcional al Parque Nacional de Doñana, del 4 al 6 de septiembre, con estancia de una noche en Sevilla y El Rocío: Coste 200€.

El transporte a la llegada y la salida, así como los viajes locales en las Alpujarras, la excursión a Granada y la visita a la Alhambra, no tienen coste adicional.

El programa previsto para el Festival Vegano 2015 incluye varios talleres y actividades para niños y adultos, demostraciones de cocina y preparación de alimentos crudos, ponencias y comunicación no violenta, masaje de cabeza, meditación yoga y sitar, música, baile y guitarra flamenca, paseos por el Parque Natural junto a Amoraleza, visitas a los pueblos cercanos de las Alpujarras y oferta de productos artesanales locales.

Precios para el Festival Vegano 2015:

Opción 1:

Precios por persona para 7 noches de alojamiento en el Hotel Alcadima de Lanjarón, incluidas las comidas en la finca Amoraleza, la inscripción, el transporte de ida y vuelta al aeropuerto, el transporte local y una excursión a Granada: 800€  en habitación doble; 725€ en habitación triple y 650€ en habitación para dos adultos y un niño o adolescente hasta los 16 años.

Suplemento para 7 noches de alojamiento individual en habitación doble: 150€

Opción 2:

Precios por persona para 7 noches de estancia combinada en el Hotel Alcadima y Cortijo Chico, incluyendo 3 noches de alojamiento en el Hotel Alcadima, con desayuno y comidas en Amoraleza, más 4 noches en Cortijo Chico, con desayuno en Cortijo Chico y comidas en Amoraleza, la inscripción, el transporte de ida y vuelta al aeropuerto, el transporte local y una excursión a Granada: 750€  en habitación doble; 700€ en habitación triple y 625€ en habitación para dos adultos y un niño o adolescente hasta los 16 años.

Los participantes que elijan la Opción 2 de alojamiento combinado, tendrán un programa matinal alternativo el martes día 1 y el jueves 3 de septiembre.

Suplemento para 7 noches de alojamiento individual en habitación doble: 150€

El alojamiento compartido con algún participante se puede gestionar si se solicita.

Los campistas pueden acampar en Amoraleza, con su propia tienda como participantes en el Festival Vegano. El coste incluye la inscripción, las comidas y las actividades: 500€ por persona y 330€ por niño o adolescente hasta los 16 años.

Los precios indicados son válidos hasta el 15 de julio, y se aconseja a los participantes hacer su reserva y enviar sus datos por correo electrónico lo antes posible para garantizar el alojamiento y evitar el pago de un suplemento de 75€ para reservas posteriores.

Si desea participar en el Festival Vegano, debe enviarnos sus datos por correo electrónico lo antes posible, o también solicitar información adicional por correo o por teléfono. Después, puede hacer un pago inicial o total de su reserva  para el Festival a través de la página de pago para el Festival Vegano 2015, de la Asociación Vegana Española:  mediante una transferencia bancaria a la cuenta de AVE en Ibercaja, o el botón de PayPal en la misma página de Pago del Festival.

Datos de contacto:

Francisco Martín, Apdo. Postal 478 – 29790 Torre del Mar (Málaga)

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono fijo: 34 – 952514655

Móvil: 34 – 660893007

Espero contar con su participación y darle la bienvenida a un lugar privilegiado del sur de Andalucía para compartir y celebrar juntos un acontecimiento vegano único e inolvidable.

Francisco Martín, presidente Asociación Vegana Española (AVE)

Spanish Veganfest 2015


Foto Finca Amoraleza

 Spanish Veganfest 2015

28th August – 4th September
…Share the fun, celebrate life & enjoy nature and great food!
Finca Amoraleza, Lanjaron (Granada) Spain


The venue for the Spanish Veganfest 2015 (August 28th-September 4th), (held jointly with Crutopia from 28th-30th August), is the vegetarian finca Amoraleza, located at a superb nature spot on the slopes of Sierra Nevada National Park, just a short drive away from Lanjaron and Orgiva, gateway to the villages of the Alpujarras described by Chris Stewart in his bestseller book ¨Driving overLemons¨.

Venue, accommodation, meals, excursions, transportation, programme and prices:

The two main choices of accommodation for the Spanish Veganfest 2015, for foreign participants are the Alcadima Hotel ( in Lanjaron (Granada), located two miles from the venue, and Cortijo Laguna Chico ( in Torre del Mar (Malaga), an hour´s drive away.

Booking and arrival at the hotel for the Veganfest is from 12pm on Friday the 28th of August 2015, and departure on Friday the 4th of September at noon.

Upon arrival in Malaga on August 28th (earlier or later), transportation will be provided from Malaga airport, bus or train station, to the Alcadima Hotel, as well as to and from the venue.

There are two choices of accommodation for the Spanish Veganfest. Please decide which booking option is best for you and email us your reservation as soon as possible.

Please, choose Option 1, if you wish to stay at the Alcadima Hotel in Lanjaron, from Friday August 28th until Friday September 4th. & Option 2 if  you prefer to split your stay between the Alcadima Hotel in Lanjaron (August 28th – 3Ist) and Cortijo Laguna Chico in Torre del Mar (August 31st – September 4th).

All meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, will be provided at the venue, but breakfast will also be available for participants during their stay at Cortijo Laguna Chico.


An all day group excursion to Granada, is planned for all participants on wednesday September 2nd, to visit the Alhambra and Generalife, as well as other local tours and walks. There will also be an optional post festival tour (from 4th-6th September) with an overnight stay in Seville and El Rocio, to explore the Doñana National Park: Cost 200€.

All transportation on arrival and departure, as well as to and from the venue and hotels, local trips in the Alpujarras and the tour to the Alhambra in Granada, is included in the holiday package.

The programmed activities for the Spanish Veganfest will include various workshops and activities such as:  raw food preparation, cookery demos, head massage, non-violent communication, talks, yoga sitar meditation, nature walks through the Sierra Nevada Natural Park at Amoraleza, visits to nearby villages of the Alpujarras, circle dance, music, flamenco guitar, sale of local handicraft and other group and children activities.

Prices for the Spanish Veganfest 2015:

Option 1:

Prices per person for 7 nights accommodation at Alcadima Hotel in Lanjaron, including meals at Amoraleza, plus registration, airport transfers to and from the venue, local transportation and an excursion to Granada: 800€ in double or twin room; 725€ in triple room and 650€ for two adults and one child or teenager up to 16 years.

Supplement for single accommodation in double room for 7 nights: 150€

Option 2:

Prices per person for a combined stay at Alcadima Hotel and Cortijo Chico, including 3 nights accommodation at Alcadima Hotel with breakfast and meals at Amoraleza, plus 4 nights at Cortijo Chico, with breakfast at Cortijo chico and meals at Amoraleza, as well as airport transfers to and from the venue, local transportation and a excursion to Granada: 750€ in double room; 700€ in triple room and 625€ in a room with two adults and one child or teenager up to 16 years.

Participants who choose the combined Option 2 accommodation, will have an alternative morning programme on Tuesday and Thursday, September 1st. & 3rd.

Supplement for single accommodation in double room for 7 nights: 150€

Shared accommodation for single participants may be arranged on request.

Campers bringing their own tent may also stay at Amoraleza and participate in the Veganfest programme. The cost includes registration, meals & activities: 500€  per person and 330€ per child or teenager up to 16 years.

The above prices are valid until July 15th, and interested participants are advised to book and send their reservation details by email as soon as possible, to guarantee the accommodation and avoid a late booking suplement of 75€ .

To register for the Spanish Veganfest or ask for additional information, please send me your details or contact me as soon as possible. To confirm your booking for the Spanish Veganfest, you can make a partial or (preferably) single payment by bank transfer to the Spanish Vegan Society´s account in Ibercaja or through PayPal. See Veganfest payment details on 

Contact details:

Francisco Martin

P.O. Box 478 -29790 Torre del Mar (Malaga) Spain


Phone: 34 – 952514655 / Mobile 34 – 660893007

I look forward to your participation in the Spanish Veganfest 2015 and to welcome you in Southern Spain to share the fun and celebration of an exciting vegan event you cannot afford to miss.

Francisco Martin, president of Spanish Vegan Society (AVE)

Ist Spanish Veganfest Week

Ist Spanish Veganfest Week
28th August – 4th September, 2015 …Share the fun, celebrate life and enjoy great food! Finca Amoraleza Lanjaron (Granada) Spain The venue for the Spanish Veganfest Week (August 28th-September 4th), (held jointly with Crutopia from 28th-30th August), is the vegetarian finca Amoraleza, located at a superb nature spot on the slopes of Sierra Nevada National Park, just a short drive away from Lanjaron and Orgiva, gateway to the villages of the Alpujarras described by Chris Stewart in his bestseller book ¨Driving over Lemons¨. Venue, accommodation, meals, excursions, transportation, programme and prices: The two main choices of accommodation for the Ist Spanish Veganfest Week, for foreign participants are The Alcadima Hotel ( in Lanjaron (Granada), located two miles from the venue, and Cortijo Laguna Chico ( in Torre del Mar (Malaga), an hour´s drive away. Booking and arrival at the hotel for the Veganfest is from 12pm on Friday the 28th of August 2015, and departure on Friday the 4th of September at noon. Upon arrival in Malaga on August 28th (earlier or later), transportation will be provided from Malaga airport, bus or train station, to the Alcadima Hotel, as well as to and from the venue. There are two choices of accommodation for Veganfest Week. Please decide which booking option is best for you and email us your reservation as soon as possible. Please, choose Option 1, if you wish to stay at the Alcadima Hotel in Lanjaron, from Friday August 28th until Friday September 4th. & Option 2 if  you prefer to split your stay between the Alcadima Hotel in Lanjaron (August 28th – 3Ist) and Cortijo Laguna Chico in Torre del Mar (August 31st – September 4th). All meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, will be provided at the venue, but breakfast will also be available for participants during their stay at Cortijo Laguna Chico. Excursions: An all day group excursion to Granada, is planned for all participants on wednesday September 2nd, to visit the Alhambra and Generalife, as well as other local tours and walks. There will also be an optional post festival tour (from 4th-6th September) with an overnight stay in Seville and El Rocio, to explore the Doñana National Park: Cost 200€. All transportation on arrival and departure, as well as to and from the venue and hotels, local trips in the Alpujarras and the tour to the Alhambra in Granada, is included in the holiday package. The programme and activities for the Spanish Veganfest Week will include various workshops and activities such as:  raw food preparation, cookery demos, head massage, non-violent communication, talks, yoga sitar meditation, nature walks, visits to nearby villages of the Alpujarras, circle dance, music, flamenco guitar, sale of local handicraft and other group and children activities. Prices for Spanish Vegan Week: Option 1: 7 nights accommodation at Alcadima Hotel in Lanjaron, including meals at Amoraleza, plus registration, airport transfers to and from the venue, local transportation and an excursion to Granada: 800€ per person in double or twin room; 725€ per person in triple room; 650€ per person for two adults and one child or teenager up to 16 years. Supplement for single accommodation in double room for 7 nights: 150€ Option 2: Combined stay at Alcadima Hotel and Cortijo Chico, including 3 nights accommodation at Alcadima Hotel with breakfast and meals at Amoraleza +4 nights at Cortijo Chico, with breakfast at Cortijo chico and meals at Amoraleza, plus airport transfers to and from the venue, local transportation and excursion to Granada: 750€ per person in double room; 700€ per person in triple room; 625€ per person for two adults and one child or teenager up to 16 years. Participants who choose the combined Option 2 accommodation, will have an alternative morning programme on Tuesday and Thursday, September 1st. & 3rd. Supplement for single accommodation in double room for 7 nights: 150€ Shared accommodation for single participants may be arranged, as well as camping at Amoraleza. Interested participants are advised to book as early as possible. To book and register for the Spanish Veganfest please fill in the registration form and write or contact: Francisco Martin, P.O. Box 478 – 29790 Torre del Mar (Malaga) Spain Email: Phone: 34 – 952514655 / Mobile 34 – 660893007 I look forward to your participation in the Spanish Veganfest Week and to welcome you in Southern Spain to share the fun and celebration of an exciting vegan event you cannot afford to miss. Francisco Martin President of Spanish Vegan Society (AVE)